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Femme remise des sacs à VALET

Make your hosts your most loyal ambassadors ... 

The Keys to Soft Skills

The “Keys to Soft Skills" program focuses on interpersonal skills and attention to detail, vectors of differentiation in the competitive world of hotels and restaurants. Designed by professionals, it is mainly intended for teams in contact with customers. "The Keys to Soft kills" is centered on the aesthetic and emotional dimension of the customer experience, by reinforcing the consistency between the personality of the employee and the values of the establishment.

Why this program? 

"The Client" does not exist

Behind the generic concept of "client", and beyond this provocative affirmation, hides a reality whose understanding is the key to excellence in the hotel and restaurant trades.

Sketch ordinateur

"  The Client "is multiple

We can certainly attempt a categorization that avoids caricature, according to origin, culture, socio-professional category, the objective of a stay. It's not sufficient !


"The Client" is human

He is never the same, depending on his mood, the events of the day, the weather, his past, his projects, his hopes, his desires.  ​


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Read "the Client"

This is the key to the program: Create an unforgettable customer experience through an approach centered on Soft Skills: all the difference between a satisfied guest and a true ambassador!​

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You said : "Why this program?"

  • 49 % des clients d’hôtels sont sensibles à l’esthétique et au décor des établissements

  • 53 % des clients d’hôtels s’agacent devant le temps perdu à l’arrivée ou/et au départ : files d’attente, procédure trop longue, aspect trop administratif

  • 16 % des utilisateurs d’hôtels se plaignent des odeurs incommodantes dans les couloirs d’étages

  • 48 % des clients d’hôtels se plaignent du bruit subi dans les chambres 

  • 45 % des clients d’hôtels reprochent une trop grande répétitivité dans les décors et les services, et des procédures d’accueil trop bureaucratiques et/ou trop standardisées

(Enquête 2017 Coach Omnium)

  • 62% des clients ont toujours le sentiment d'être traités comme un numéro et pas comme une personne

(Etude Gladly 2019)

  • 76% des clients déclarent recevoir des réponses incohérentes lorsqu'ils contactent plusieurs fois une entreprise 

(Etude Gladly 2018)

Much more than training: interactive sessions for your teams for immediate and lasting results!

Analyse de graphiques


A systematic preliminary analysis and a surprise report



Training adapted to all personnel in contact with the customer




Work on concrete cases, drawn from reality



An approach centered on

"Soft Skills"




An ideal formula for the effective integration of new employees and seasonal workers



Professional trainers in the hotel and catering industry and personal development themes



Consistency between the values of the establishment and those of employees



Sessions run exclusively in pairs to promote dynamics and sharing




Mandatory post-program monitoring before certification


They are the ones who talk about it the best ...

"A training that brought me a lot, where we were able to discuss, do scenarios. Thank you!"

Gwendoline - Chef de Rang

"It allowed me to question myself and approach my work with more serenity."

Laura - Receptionist

"I really liked it. You have a great experience. Thank you for sharing it with us!"

Beatrice - Receptionist

"Simple, clear and effective supports ... exchanges  constructive! Very interesting approach. "

Nicolas - Valet-Baggage handler

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